Friday, February 26, 2016

What do you do?

It is easy to be a good person on paper.  It is easy to say the right things.  But what do you do?

I'm very disturbed by what is happening in the American Presidential Republican primary.  The current leader is Donald Trump.

The thing that disturbs me so much is how many irrational, mean-spirited, insulting and downright wrong things he says.

Donald Trump is a promoter.  He is a person who knows how to attract an audience.  He knows how to command a crowd in a room.  He is not a statesman.  He is not Presidential.  But I don't know Donald Trump.  Because what he shows us is a performance.  All America has seen is Donald Trump the performer.  And I hope deep within my heart that he does not represent the American people.

I have read numerous articles and listened to political pundits and media personalities interview his supporters.  They all seem to buy into the Trump slogan "Make America Great Again".  My big question for everyone supporting Donald Trump is - what does a great America look like?

I want to ask all of them, "Have you ever worked for or with a bully?  Did you like that? Was it fun and rewarding to go to work every day?"

Donald Trump presents himself as a bully.  He mocks, he belittles, he insults everyone that doesn't agree with and defer to him. And his followers are loving it.  They think it is great.

If you worked for or with Donald Trump would you love him or hate him?

Would you be comfortable when he mocked the disabled in front of your differently abled loved one?  Would you be comfortable when he talked about building a wall, and deporting Muslims in front of your Hispanic and Muslim friends? Would you be comfortable in front of your mother, sister, daughter as he disparages women?  When he behaves as if our appearance is the most important attribute that defines us?

I'm astounded that people support this man for President.  This is not reality TV.  This is reality.  Have we reached Fahrenheit 451?  (If you are a thinking person, and you have never read this book, please, do yourself a favor and read it.) Has America become so passively ignorant that we would honestly endanger our republic by putting a crass, opportunistic, bombastic, bully in the position of President of the United States?

It's not what you say, it is what you do.  When you support people who discriminate, who hate, who belittle, you do it too.

If you are supporting Donald Trump, you are supporting hatred, and bigotry, and bullying.  And you can deny that.  And you can paint the picture around your actions any way you need to to sleep at night and to look yourself in the mirror.

But I don't believe you.  I am sad for you that for whatever reason you think it is OK to support such a hate mongering individual.  I will pray that God will help you overcome whatever it is that allows you to embrace so much hate.

As for me, I want to be proud of the American President.  I want someone representing the United States on the world stage who is calm.  Who is measured in speech and in actions.  I want a President that is compassionate and gentle in nature, but who has an iron hand in a velvet glove.

The United States of America is at a crossroads.  I am fearful that the hate mongering, and the anger stoking of the past twenty-five to thirty years have completely corrupted the thinking of a large portion of the population.  If America chooses hate and fear in the 2016 Presidential election, I worry about the fate of our nation.

This great experiment in representative democracy started in 1776 may very well be a failed experiment.  As the French philosopher Joseph de Maistre said "Every nation gets the government it deserves".  I hope and pray the United States of America has not devolved to the point where we deserve Donald Trump as President.

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