Friday, February 5, 2016

Just a little off

Did you ever have one of those days when you were just a little off? Not sick, not sad, just not you?

Today has been one of those days for me.

It really started last night when I forgot to take my evening allergy and asthma medications.  I was out of my routine, and just slap forgot.

So, I woke up very stuffy and sneezy and coughy, which got better after I took my morning allergy medications, but the not quite right continued.

I decided since my brain was fuzzy, that I would spend some time working on my latest crochet project.  That was going pretty well, but then I had to go to the store, and I never picked it back up when I got home.

Finally got my five mile walk in, and am feeling the best I've felt all day.

So, I got to thinking, why did I not do the things that I knew would make the not quite right day better for me earlier in the day?

It is so easy to self-sabotage.  All it takes is doing nothing.

I know that walking always makes me feel better.  Working on my crochet project was soothing and enjoyable.  I always listen to music when I sit on my bed and crochet, and the dogs hang out with me, and it is really kind of nirvana.  Why did I not go back to crocheting when I got home from the store?  Did I subconsciously want to be in a funk today?

I know I could have had a much better day by making better choices, but I made bad choices anyway.  Maybe I needed a drifty bad day to validate my belief that a deliberate life promotes good days.  I just don't know.

But I do know one thing.

Tomorrow, I'm going to take control of my day early.  And I'm going to actively choose, and direct my activities so that I end the day feeling good about what I accomplished, and how I spent my time.

I'm going to laugh more than I did today.

I'm not going to dwell on the things that irritate me, but rather look for the moments that delight me.

I can't get today back.  I wish I could because I would have done it better.

I will do tomorrow better.  Life is too short to waste days the way I did today.

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