There but for the Grace of God go I.
I was raised to think that whenever I was tempted to judge another. Because I am a flawed human, trying to be saved by God's Grace, and any mistake I make, any hardship I endure, any mountain I may have to climb, could equally have befallen any other person. Conversely, and burden carried by another, any mistake they make, and hardship they endure, could equally be my mountain to climb.
I heard a report today on the news that yet another state is proposing to prohibit people receiving SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits from purchasing steak, lobster or candy with their SNAP benefits. And so begins the phone calls to the radio station who is discussing this report.
"I saw a woman buy a bunch of groceries with a SNAP card and then go out and get into a new SUV."
"I was behind a man who tried to buy dog food with his SNAP card, and when he was told he couldn't use it for dog food, he went and got beef instead."
"I work my butt off so those freeloaders can eat better than me."
There but for the Grace of God go I.
Currently, in the US, the average monthly SNAP benefit is less than $1.50 per person, per meal. Go ahead and try to keep your monthly grocery bill under that cap and see how well you eat.
As for the woman with the SUV - was she supposed to sell the family car when her husband died without life insurance? Or when she lost her job? Maybe she borrowed a relative or friend's vehicle to go grocery shopping and it isn't even hers.
Is the man supposed to let his dog starve?
What freeloaders? More than half the able-bodied adults receiving SNAP are working. They just don't make enough to be disqualified for food assistance.
There but for the Grace of God go I.
I'm sure there are people trying to take advantage of or misuse every assistance program there is. There is someone in just about every workplace who is trying to do less than their peers for the same compensation. There are people panhandling that have more money than you do. So What?
Trying to take advantage of people and programs is not something I would ever desire to do, and I feel badly for people who do want to take advantage. In my world view those people deserve prayers, not scorn.
There but for the Grace of God go I.
It always works you see. There is never an excuse for poor shaming, or judging others, or feeling taken advantage of. Because it could be you. It could always be you.
And you can say all you want about what you would or wouldn't do. But you just don't know. Because you haven't lived that life. You haven't been formed by the circumstances that formed that person.
You can say I hope I would never make those choices. You can pray that you never are faced with desperate choices. But until you live the life someone lives, you just don't know.
There but for the Grace of God go I.
If we all spent more time devoted to trying to do our best, to add good when we can, rather than looking at others to criticize and judge, how could that change the world?
Just for today, I challenge everyone reading this to not judge. To not begrudge. To not be angry at someone because of what they have that you don't have.
Use that energy instead to self-affirm. To see the good. To celebrate the quiet heroes that are everywhere if you take the time to notice them.
We all live in the world we notice and nurture. Notice goodness. Notice courage. Notice love. Nurture patience. Nurture understanding. Nurture compassion.
Your world, and the world of everyone around you will be better for it.
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