Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I'm Tired

I am sincerely hoping that this blog post strikes a chord with many who read it.

I'm tired.

I'm tired of the anger, I'm tired of the hate.

I'm tired of the unwillingness to have a conversation about anything important and contentious.

I'm tired of people raising their voices, believing that shouting somehow makes more sense than listening.

I'm tired of being sad about the state of the world and especially the state of the United States of America.

I'm tired of criticism.  I'm tired from hearing only about whose fault the problem is, instead of what we can do to make things better.

I'm tired of hearing about why a person is a bad person, instead of why an idea or an action is harmful or destructive.

Have we become a society, a people that can no longer solve problems?  That can no longer find compromise?  That will work against our own self interests and safety because we have been manipulated by the media? That has to hate people, instead of disagreeing about ideology?

I'm tired of listening to people who can only see things their way.

The problem is, I'm not sure what to do about it.

I try to listen to people.  I try to read and inform myself on issues rather than just emote about them.

I try to find common ground, so that conversation can happen and compromise is possible.

And then I hear more of the hate.  More criticism.  More negativity.

I refuse to participate.  I've been writing less and reading escapist fiction more.  I am crocheting more.  I'm checking out rather than being saddened by the state of things.

But I know I have to do better.  I have to figure out how to be part of the solution.  I have to figure out how to be a positive influence.

I miss the 1980's when we had "Hands Across America" to fight poverty and hunger.  And when "We Are the World" united artists from multiple genres to raise money for the victims of famine in Africa.  (And I know how little money actually got to the people who needed it.  But we cared enough to try to make it better collectively, and that is what is important.)

Where is the collective good to balance out the anger and hate?

I'm asking everyone reading this to do something positive today.  Be kind to a stranger.  Donate to a worthy cause.  Praise someone.  Meditate on how to bring harmony.  Pray for peace.

I feel like we need something big and positive to build unity, but I know that small acts of kindness, of compassion and of understanding can become a tidal wave.

I don't want to hide.  I don't want to be tired anymore.  I want to see more love than hate.  I want to hear more compassion than anger.

I'm going to find the energy to be the good I want to see in the world.  I hope you can too.


  1. Thank you Anne Marie for writing how many of us really feel. I will do some act of random kindness today...and tomorrow...and the next day. It only takes one person to start a change. Hopefully your article is that start.

    1. I really believe each kind act is important. Thanks for doing your part.......
