Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Flight is usually still an option

As humans evolved, we developed a mechanism in response to threats.  Our adrenal gland produces a rush of adrenaline, and we experience what many physiologists refer to as a "fight or flight" response.

But I'm starting to wonder if we aren't in the midst of another evolution of our species.  Where the rush of adrenaline produces only a fight response.

What ever happened to backing away from a conflict?  What ever happened to running away from a threat?  What ever happened to conflict resolution?  To agreeing to disagree?

Daily, the news is full of tragic loss of life brought about by violence.  And in many cases, the victim was caught in crossfire they had no control over.

But many times, the victim, and the perpetrator, had decided fight was a better option than flight.

In keeping with my illusion of control, I try to avoid situations where fight or flight may be necessary.

I carefully choose the times I go places, opting to be home between 10 pm and 8 am every time I can help it.

When I go to the store, or to the mall, I try to have a clear line of sight to my vehicle, and look around the parking lot before leaving the apron of the store.  I also carefully choose which stores and malls I go to.

And with all that, I still look for where I could run to, and where I could hide if I needed to.

And I know that only luck is protecting me from the violence in society, because there are no absolutes.

I try to drive very cautiously and courteously, and that in and of itself angers people.  But I still drive as I was taught to drive, doing my best to leave an escape route.  I want to always have the option to choose flight.

I believe the "Stand your ground" laws that have been passed in many states in the United States of America have led to a more pronounced fight mentality.

There is no longer a duty to retreat.  No duty to stay away from trouble and call the police.  You feel threatened?  Go ahead and pull out your gun and shoot away.

And in the crazy way my mind makes connections, I see a relationship with the obstructionism in Congress and the Senate as part of the same problem.

When highly educated, elected officials refuse mature debate and compromise and instead cling to ideological principles and refuse to do the jobs they were elected to do, a whole bunch of people see stubborn refusal to listen and compromise as a worthy goal.

The United States of America is an immature nation at only two hundred and forty years old.  I believe we are at a pivotal point in our national maturation process.

It is time to go back to valuing peace, and compromise, and flight, or to continue the escalation of violence, and obstruction, and fight.

I'm afraid many Americans are choosing the latter, and that our nation will not be salvageable if we continue down this path much further.

As for me, I will continue to seek compromise.  I will agree to disagree.  I will try to avoid situations where fight or flight is necessary, and I will choose flight whenever it is an option.

I will use my voice and my written words to encourage others to do the same.  I hope I can have some influence.

Because I used to hardly ever be afraid just because I was driving or going out to dinner.  And I want that world back.

The Second Amendment supporters often use the quote "Those that would sacrifice liberty for security soon will have neither" as the justification for no gun control laws.

I would hypothesize that the lack of gun control laws is the Second Amendment supporters perception of security taking away my liberties.

The gun violence archive has tallied 3,589 deaths from guns in the United States as of April 13, 2016.  And 14,162 incidents.

Flight is usually still an option.  But the numbers are very real and very frightening that if something doesn't turn the tide, that option may just disappear.

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