Tuesday, September 22, 2015

On being courageous

So, there is this poem that has been forming in me for the past couple of weeks.  Today, I put it on paper.  It is not like what I usually post on this blog.  And the big reason why not is that it is personal.  But if I've had enough courage to put this much of myself out there - I should be courageous enough to show you all of me.  So here it is.  I hope you like it.

There is a world inside of me
That I wish you all could see
I want to share it now with you
In hope that you can see it too

There is no hate, there is no war
Greed and power are no more
We treat each other with respect
And always offer up our best

It’s not that we all think the same
We disagree but don’t defame
And when bad feelings start to rise
We step away and compromise

The ones I love are always near
Close in my heart and I can hear
The song their heart sings out to mine
And my heart sings to them in kind

And all the pets I’ve ever loved
Are smiling on me from above
And those I love but gone from sight
Still reach me in my dreams at night

There is a world inside of me
Where I wish you all could be
A place where love guides all our acts
And dignity remains intact

Where being right so someone’s wrong
Is not the way we get along
And differences are celebrated
Never mocked or segregated

And when we have more than we need
We don’t hang on to it with greed
But instead we love to share
With those who think that no one cares

And prayers are offered through the day
All different gods, we never say
That one is right another wrong
All gods are good, they all belong

There is a world inside of me
That I wish instead could be
The world I live in every day
Instead of just a prayer I pray

A prayer for tolerance and love
For loving guidance from above
For grace and generosity
For gentleness and charity

For finding common ground to share
And finding ways to show we care
For all the people that we see
Not just the ones who look like me

A prayer for work that fills each soul
With gratitude for the small role
They play in making this new place
A world of beauty and of grace

A prayer for peace and harmony
So all might have a chance to see
Their children grow in size and health
To take their share of this world’s wealth

There is a world inside of me
That in fact may never be
The world I live in but I’ll try
With every day that passes by

To be the best me I can bring
To change just even one small thing
In this world filled with despair
If I can show someone I care

Perhaps their burden will be lighter
And then they too will be a fighter
For a kinder, gentler, loving life
Filled more with kindness than with strife

And one by one, we’ll start the change
So being nice won’t be so strange
And compromise won’t be called weak
And understanding we will seek

And everyone will get a chance
To celebrate the special dance
The special talent they possess
That brings them deep felt happiness

There is a world inside of me
That I hope I’ve helped you see
And I hope that you will join my quest
To make this world we have the best

With all the hurt and broken hearts
With all the things that pull apart
We each can bring our own small voice
Reminding all they have a choice

A choice to love, to give, to share
To show each other that we care
A choice to see another’s view
To embrace ideas of others, too

A choice to lift each other up
To share our overflowing cup
Of happiness and loving grace
Each of us can have a place

In helping those around us see
There is a gentler way to be
A world without a “them” to shun
A world where all of us are one

There is a world inside of me……………….


  1. Beautiful . . . just as you are, my dear friend, inside and out.

  2. Anne Marie, that was absolutely one of the most thought provoking poems I've ever read. It really does reflect your world and a lot of it is mine as well. God bless you and thank you for sharing your inner self. It inspires!
    Jerry Winkler
