Saturday, April 25, 2015

I never felt the tail wind

Yesterday, as I was walking along the lakefront with my husband, we were talking about all manner of things as we usually do.  We headed west, and turned around about 2.5 miles into our walk.  I was totally surprised when we turned around, as there was a very stiff headwind going back east.  I remarked to my husband "I never felt that tailwind".

Walking west didn't feel any easier than normal, but walking east definitely felt harder.  Yet, because we were "into the wind" we worked harder and actually achieved a faster pace coming back than we had maintained on the way out.

Boom! The thought spun out of control in my head as a metaphor for life, and success in life.

How often when things are going well; in life, in sport, at work, do we think things are "normal"?  Are we missing the tailwind?  The tailwind of the love and support of our families?  The tailwind of being able to afford good nutrition?  The tailwind of access to clean drinking water?  The tailwind of talented and competent employees and colleagues?

It is so easy to enjoy successful, relatively stress free times, without thinking about or appreciating all the forces and factors that create those times.  None of us are in this world alone.  Even if you don't subscribe to the belief in a higher power, the power of love and compassion in the universe is unparalleled.  There are always people who are making your journey easier, just by being present in your world.  Feel the tailwind.

So, the next time life feels normal, think about the tailwind.  When life is easy, celebrate the tailwind.  The headwinds will always be there; and they force us to recognize them.   If we learn to focus on, and appreciate the tailwinds during normal and easy times, we know where to turn for the extra support we need to succeed against the headwinds.

The headwinds will force us to focus and to try harder to be successful; don't let the tailwinds allow you to relax too much.   The energy you save when enjoying a tailwind can be redeployed to helping someone in your world who is struggling "into the wind".

Never forget you can be the difference in the world.  Be the tailwind.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you love it when you get that palm slap to the forehead!!! Similarly known as a brain fart :)

    I have to agree with this post wholeheardly. I think we do breeze along when things seem to be going right and we probably do miss opportunities to recognize that there just might be someone/something who is being our tailwind. The first step in recognizing that -- at least for me -- is this post. While I have had my share of headwinds the last few years -- and while not devastating, they were nonetheless challenging -- I have had some decent tailwinds. I have tried to recognize those helping hands and appreciate that they are there. But, I could certainly use some work in being a better tailwind.

    Thank you for the great post and the great reminder about enjoying the tailwinds -- but not so much so that a headwind could knock you silly. And to appreciate the components of those tailwinds!!

    Love and miss you, Big Sis!!!
