Wednesday, May 25, 2016

This adventure we call life

So, I learned something important about myself today.  When I find myself uninspired, it is probably because there are responsibilities that I have been avoiding that I need to take care of.

Let me explain.  I hate housework.  I mean, I really hate housework.  Cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming floors, washing floors, dusting; I can't stand it.  So, I put it off.  Until I can't stand it, and then I do my housework.  I don't mind putting things away, I have no issues with dishes and laundry and cooking and making the bed.  But that other stuff?  Can we please do anything other than that?

I have sat down at my computer for the past week and have been unable to compose a blog post or write any words in my novel.  So I would waste time clicking around the internet.

The house had been really clean for us to go to West Virginia for Mother's Day, because I hate to come home from vacation to a dirty house.  It is hard enough to catch up on the laundry and the lawn and pool without adding the housework.

So, I should have cleaned the house last week, but instead, I just did a quick vacuuming and wiped the counters and called it good.   But my responsibility gene knew I should be doing something other than indulging my passion for writing, so I was blocked.

As I have been working this morning, ideas are bubbling up in my mind at an incredible pace.  And so I learned an important lesson.

I don't think of this blog, or my crochet projects, or my novel as work.  They are all things that fill me up and make me happy.

I have to satisfy my responsibilities before I can reward myself.  My brain is so hard-wired for that, it won't open the door to my creativity until I meet my responsibilities.

So, right now, I'm planning to do a way better job of keeping up with my housework, because it was terrible sitting at my keyboard and not being able to put my thoughts into words.

And I have so much to put into words now that I have started cleaning my house.  Crazy how it works.  Next post will be about how I wake up just about every day excited for what kind of adventure it will bring.  It is only recently that I am realizing that very few people wake up with that thought.  I don't know if I was born this way, or if life made me this way, but I'm very grateful for it.

Now back to my housework so I can really open the creative floodgates tomorrow.......................

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