I have read and heard many times that to overcome any problem, you must first admit you have a problem. Here is the big confession, I am a click-bait junkie.
Whether it is a find out which side of your brain is dominant, to what color is your personality, to the hardest grammar quiz ever, to what it is really like to be a contestant on "Fixer Upper"; I can't help myself, I click the bait.
My rational mind knows that I will be immersed in a series of clicks and advertisements. I will get frustrated with how long it will take to page through the story to the information I am interested in. I will be disappointed many times with the ridiculousness of the results. But I still click the bait.
And just like with any addiction, it is when I need it least that I turn to it most. Have to get packed for vacation? Can't resist the click bait.
Dryer buzzed to fold the clothes? Can't resist the click bait.
Feeling bad because I am getting nothing accomplished? Can't resist the click bait.
And it doesn't just come to get you on Facebook either. There are click-bait stories at the bottom of the CNN news page. And what is Pinterest anyway? Click-bait junkie minefield.
It seems so benign. I'm looking for a special crock pot recipe. Oh look! A crochet pattern. Hairstyles! Tiny houses! Now it is after seven in the evening, the crock pot dinner is history and I'm wondering if anyone will complain about breakfast for supper again. (Thank God for eggs!)
Oh! Maybe Pinterest has a good egg recipe. NO! Back away from the click-bait.
I have to admit I've found some interesting things by succumbing to the click-bait, and I suppose that is what keeps me coming back.
The lure of that perfect piece of information. Or insight into myself. Or perfect recipe. Or perfect crochet pattern.
And that is what keeps the addiction healthy. The randomness of the great find. The rush when you get a perfect score on a meaningless test. The frustration of the chase.
So, I have admitted my addiction. Now maybe I can start working on it.
But first, I need to go see what the Brady Bunch looks like now, and the best quinoa recipe from every state, and 23 things you didn't know you could do with apple cider vinegar..............
LOL!! It does not take long to get lost in the weeds with this . . . I think if everyone was honest, they will admit to some degree of click-bait junkie -- I am holding up my hand :)