There was a man who needed to find a way to make money, so he decided to raise rabbits. He knew that rabbits reproduced rapidly, and thought he could sell the meat and the fur and make some money.
Well, the rabbits did multiply, but the man found himself unable to kill the rabbits, so now instead of making him money, the rabbits were costing him money.
One day as he was cleaning up the rabbit warren (yes he had built a truly spectacular habitat for his rabbits) he thought "If I could only find a market for rabbit poop, I could still make money off of these rabbits". And then an idea was born. The man decided to collect the rabbit poop, box it, and sell the poop as "Smart Pills". After all, didn't almost everyone wish they were smarter?
The man had boxes printed up, and put ten poop pellets in each box. He had allowed the pellets to dry out, so there was no smell. He then sprinkled the pellets with cinnamon, so when the box was opened, the smell was cinnamon.
The man went door to door in a town away from where he lived, and soon sold out all of his "Smart Pills". This went on for several weeks, until the man got bold and took a supply of "Smart Pills" for sale to a local farmer's market.
Sales were going very well, until late in the afternoon, when a young boy stopped and asked for a box of Smart Pills. The farmer sold him a box, and the boy immediately opened the box and popped a pellet into his mouth. The boy's eyes got big, and he spit out the pellet. "That tastes like poop!" the boy said, and the man said "See, you are getting smarter already!"
I hope you're laughing. That was my intent.
The next part isn't funny. The American Voting Populace has been buying poop from our politicians, the media, and their employers for so long they really think that they are smart, and all they have been doing is hypothetically eating poop for years.
One of the truest things in the world is that there will always be those that want to separate you from your wealth. There are employers who want to steal the time and talents of employees by not paying a decent wage for the services provided. There are unscrupulous business people who want to overcharge for their products. There are politicians who want to raise your taxes to fund their corporate interests. There are unaccredited colleges and universities who want to take your money and give you no marketable skill or degree in return. The list goes on and on.
And now it is ridiculously easy. I watch people vote against their own best interests. I watch politician after politician flat out lie about what they can do, because they know the average voter doesn't know the difference between the roles of the Congress, the Senate, the President and the Supreme Court.
And millions of Americans have sunk even lower than mainstream media for their information, now a Facebook meme or a tweet on Twitter are their news sources.
Intellectual poop. And the more of this intellectual poop they swallow, the smarter they think they are getting. And the easier they are to manipulate to vote against their own self interests.
And now a modern day P.T. Barnum is playing the American voting populace for fools. From Wikipedia:
Phineas Taylor "P. T." Barnum (July 5, 1810 – April 7, 1891) was an American politician, showman, and businessman remembered for promoting celebrated hoaxes and for founding the Barnum & Bailey Circus.[1]Although Barnum was also an author, publisher, philanthropist, and for some time a politician, he said of himself, "I am a showman by profession...and all the gilding shall make nothing else of me",[2] and his personal aim was "to put money in his own coffers".
In my opinion, if the above quotes are correct, P. T. was better than his modern day counterpart, because he admitted and owned who he actually was. America is still a free country, and everyone is entitled to keep eating poop and thinking they are getting smarter if they want to.
I just wish more people would think. Would read. Would analyze. Would research. Every piece of information presented to you is tainted by the viewpoint of the person presenting the information. That includes this blog. Only when you seek varying sources of information, and when you challenge everything you read and hear can you endeavor to find your own truth.
And truth doesn't taste like poop. Truth tastes like hope. And hope breeds optimism. And optimism breeds improvement. And improvement means you are finally like the little boy who will spit out false information because finally, you can tell it is nothing but poop.
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