Have you ever been in, or witnessed a conversation where it was obvious that even though words were being exchanged, no communication was taking place? I tend to categorize these times as moments in parallel universes.
Many people believe there is one reality, one truth. I have long believed that we all exist in our own reality, and perceive our own truth.
Everything we see, everything we hear, is filtered through the lens of our specific life experience, and how it has shaped us.
I think this is a wonderful thing. It means that if I am willing to listen, I can constantly experience life in a brand new way by embracing someone else's perspective.
The ability to try to see things from another's perspective opens life up to incredible depth and texture. It allows for empathy. It diffuses arguments.
But these parallel universes also create division among us when we refuse to accept that they exist.
It is really quite simple. If someone tells you something offends them, hurts their feelings, or angers them, it does. It is not your job to tell them that their feelings are not valid. If you want to grow as a person, you can seek to understand why that something offends them, hurts their feelings, or angers them.
In your effort to see past the edges of your own universe, you open yourself up to the magic and wonder of another universe.
Each of us brings our own gifts. To enjoy the gifts of another person fully, you must establish a trusting relationship with them. A hard truth is that in order for someone to trust you, you have to prove yourself worthy of their trust. Proving yourself worthy of trust usually involves opening yourself up to see the other person's perspective - their universe.
The world becomes so much easier to live in when you let go of believing there is one right way, and start looking for the way that is the least hurtful for the most people. Allowing yourself to be enriched by other's perspectives, allowing yourself to grow in understanding and compassion, also allows for new relationships with diverse people to be formed.
We are all the product of our life experiences. We all live a unique reality. We all inhabit our own specific and wonderful universe. If you take the time to invest in people, to learn about them and their universe, your universe will be enriched. The edges of your universe will soften, and parts of your universe will overlap the universes of the people you have opened yourself up to. There is a richness and complexity to life that can only be enjoyed if you open yourself up to realities beyond the boundaries of the reality you are familiar with. Beyond those boundaries lie peace and true understanding.
I hope you are encouraged to journey outside your universe. May you find amazing and wonderful things there.
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