Saturday, May 30, 2015


A couple of posts ago, I talked about plans, and being a planner.

Dealing with the Unexpected

Plans are important to get us through the day, and to help cement a sense of achievement.  Plans are the tactical tool we use to create success in our lives.

Vision is what gives us and our lives purpose.  In corporate America, it became very vogue in the late 20th century for organizations to create and communicate both a vision and a mission statement.  While these statements often provided fodder for ridicule in the workplace, a personal vision statement, or declaration of who you are trying to be, can be very helpful and comforting.

Over the last few days, I have had numerous events derail my plans.  I'll be honest, that creates a lot of frustration for me.  The tool I use to cope with the disruption and frustration is my personal vision.

The thing about a personal vision is that it is PERSONAL.  It is all about you.  Your personal vision doesn't include your significant other, or your children or grandchildren, or your pets.  Having a personal vision doesn't make you selfish, it keeps you healthy.

Your personal vision is what allows you to look up from the chaos and disappointment and keep going.  It is the place you see yourself happy.  Your personal vision will grow and change as you grow and change.  You may never actualize many of your personal visions.  That is OK, it is still important to have them.

Your personal vision can be anything that takes you to your best self, that feeds your soul.  I love to write, so this blog is part of my personal vision.  I want a more loving and caring world, so I see myself as a change agent to make the world a better place.

To establish your personal vision, you have to reach deep inside yourself and examine what is important to you, what makes you happy, what feeds your soul.  Once you have finished your self examination, work on visualizing yourself as that person in that happy place feeling your soul full and refreshed.  The more you practice seeing and being in your personal vision, the easier it is to reach for that place and go back to it in the chaos.

None of us are in control of the universe.  Things happen that we don't expect and that we never wanted to have happen.  Plans get disrupted and changed.  The unique gift that is you is a once in a lifetime gift.

Imagine your best self.  Share the best of you with those around you.  Preserve your personal vision, because it will be your lifeline when life's waters get too rough.

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